
Becker, Aaron. Journey. Somerville, MA: Candlewick Press, 2013.

Image result for journey by aaron becker

Yet another picture book on this year’s fifth grade favorites list – Journey by Aaron Becker is a beautiful wordless book. I have used this book will all ages – each seeing a little different story in the pictures. The concept of the book reminds me of Harold and the Purple Crayon – a child has a crayon which they use to draw pictures which take them on a journey.

This book really does have appeal for all ages. Each year I have my seniors pick their favorite children’s book and I share it on a bulletin board. Each year our regular English 12 teacher does a children’s literature unit which re-unites the seniors with childhood favorites and hopefully teaches them the importance of reading to their children once they are parents. This year we have a Chinese student who is a senior. He has been with us since seventh grade. He really had no favorite as picture books were not part of his growing up years. We introduced him to Journey during the English class’s visit to the library and he couldn’t put it down. When I asked him for his favorite – Journey was his choice. It not only stretched across the age span but the culture span as well.

I highly recommend Journey for all ages. It is available from Amazon and if you use my affiliate link, I will receive a small fee which helps support this children’s literature blog.


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