Author Interview – Faith Abraham – Superhero Faith


Superhero Faith

Written by Faith Abraham

Illustrated by Shannon O’Toole

Ages 3-8 | 32 Pages

Publisher’s Synopsis: Superhero Faith and her trusty sidekick Sparkle are out to rescue Grandma from a sore tummy, being too hot, losing her cane, and worst of all…Brussels sprouts!


ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Faith Abraham

Faith is a creative, curious and adventurous being who loves life. She enjoys learning new languages (French and Spanish), making music, experimenting in Mad Science, studying Jiu Jitsu (she is in ninja training), being outside, and generally just being loving, caring, kind, curious, and adventurous, with the occasional bit of sass.

For more information, visit


When did you first know you wanted to be an author? 

Faith: I just knew. I told my mom, can it be a real book?

When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear? What do you do for fun?

Faith: I like to play at the park, I go to school, I like to play with my LOL doll, my Paw Patrol toys, I like reading and doing science experiments.

What was your reason for writing this book? Was there some event in your life that prompted you to write this story?

Faith: My Mama had cancer in her breast, and I was sad.  

Delisa: During my mother’s cancer treatment, Faith experienced a challenging time, emotionally. We spoke with her about why my mom, (who she affectionately calls Mama) needed to visit the hospital, and Faith wanted to support her by helping her with her cane, bringing her slippers,and making sure she ate properly. For Faith, these helpful actions allowed her to help Mama get better and allowed her to be part of my mom’s healing. Many of these actions are also mentioned in the book, Superhero Faith.

Who did you have in mind as you wrote the book? Where would you like to see your book placed?

Faith: Superhero Faith is about me, Mama and Sparkle. I want my book everywhere!

What tips do you have for adults to help them encourage kindness in the children in their lives?

Delisa: Children are naturally loving and kind. Encourage them when they are helpful and tell them you appreciate them, and that you love them. You’ll notice the overflow of kindness, love, and help that will flow from them.

As a former K-12 school librarian, I have to ask – what is your favorite children’s book?

Faith: My favorite book is Superhero Faith.

What advice would you give to a child or teen who wants to be a writer?

Faith: Do it!

Delisa: To the children and youth with a dream or vision of becoming an author, lean into it. Speak with someone who supports you. Faith came to me as her parent, and asked me to help her publish her book. Even with help, you have to put in the work and when you do, everything will align. Your first step of success is writing down your story and as you continue on your journey of becoming an author, celebrate each moment regardless of how small or big it seems.


Enter for a chance to win a Superhero Faith prize pack!

One (1) winner receives:

  • A copy of Superhero Faith
  • A Superhero Faith t-shirt
  • A Superhero Faith tote bag
  • One pack of Superhero Faith crayons

The giveaway begins May 11, 2021, at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends June 11, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.

Enter the giveaway.

This post was prepared in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Faith and Sparkle’s World.

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