Author Interview – Sandrian Nelson-Moon – Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies – Picture Book


Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies

Written by Sandrian Nelson-Moon

Illustrated by Bex Sutton

Ages 3-8 | 34 Pages

Publisher: Sandrian Nelson-Moon | ISBN-13: 978-1736512319

Publisher’s Synopsis: Join Itty Bitty Betty in this thrilling story as she tries to sneak a tasty treat without Mommy knowing!

Itty Bitty Betty was small as can be,

About as tall as her mom’s knee.

After a fun day out by the sea,

Itty Bitty wanted cookies for tea!





Sandrian Nelson-Moon is a survivor and a humble example of perseverance and faith. She believes a child’s imagination and education are their fuel to true development. Sandrian is a wife, mom, entrepreneur, Queens County Committee Member by day, Future Attorney, and Novelist by night. She has earned education distinctions and is an avid community volunteer. She earned a Cumae Laude Bachelors degree from Berkeley, a Summa Cumae Laude Masters degree in Business Administration, Masters Certificates in Nonprofit Management and Advanced Project Management from Walden University and holds a Six Sigma White belt certification. Sandrian is the President of 2 school PTA organizations, and as a Parent Political Advocate, she advocates strongly for children, victims of sexual and personal trauma, and has won numerous awards for community service. 

A Jamaican native, she is a lover of seafood, family time, travel, and beaches. Currently residing in a borough she loves, you’ll find her most likely multitasking.

For more information, visit, Instagram, and Facebook.


When did you first know you wanted to be an author? 

For me, I think I began writing while going through trauma at nine years old actually (I found solace in writing my feelings down that I couldn’t share). I thought about writing again years later, and while in the pandemic last year, I had that feeling come rushing back to write stories my children influenced. 

When you are not writing, what other hats do you wear?

Well, I own 2 LLCs. I’m a wife, a mom, and a Democratic County committee member. I’m in school to become a court mediator and looking to begin law school next fall. I am also writing my memoir on sexual trauma, all while coming up with the details for the next Itty book in the series.

You are a busy lady. What do you do for fun?

For me, time with my husband and children is fun; my days can be hectic, so I cherish the moments we get together. I also love spending time with my extended family; we laugh a lot when we are together; it’s awesome and keeps me grounded. I also love the beach and any adventure outside the norm. 

What is your favorite genre to read? 

My favorite genre to read is nonfiction.

What about that genre draws you?

Well, the ins and outs of nonfiction draw me in. Anything that can capture my mind and make me feel like I were there and place me on the same path with the author as I read, I will not put down. 

I feel like there might be a story behind this story. What prompted you to write Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies?

Well, I sat thinking about something funny that I could write about, then I remembered my son doing what Itty did and thought, hmm, there’s a story, lol. I chose a girl instead (my son wasn’t happy), but her size was deliberate. I wanted her dedication to her goal, no matter what she faced, to be evident on the pages, so kids can see that her size did not stop her. I believe highlighting some of the darndest things children may do can then bring home an understanding of the lesson that can come from the said thing. 

What is your “go-to” cookie?

Oatmeal raisin cookies—I can eat those daily. 

Do you have a cookie recipe you’d be willing to share? 

I don’t have a cookie recipe; I truly don’t bake that often, lol! I love the ones baked at Walmart. 

Tell us about your favorite tea party partner?

Wow, my favorite tea party partner was my daughter; we would sit at her tea setting on her Dora table when she was younger with stuffed animals, talk and have tea. Of course, she’s 12 now; she hasn’t had one in a while, lol, but I’ll never forget it.

As a former K-12 school librarian, I have to ask, what is your favorite children’s book?

I always loved Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and as I got older, To Kill a Mockingbird. Both were different in their own way, but both left a mark on my heart.

What advice would you give to a child or teen who wants to be a writer?

Write your heart out, never give up on your ideas, they may not work right away, but the possibilities are endless. As you continue to hone your craft, it will all come together.

Thank you for sharing. It is always fun to get a glimpse into the lives of authors.


Enter for a chance to win an Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies prize pack!

One (1) grand prize winner receives:

  • A hardcover copy of Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies, autographed by Sandrian Nelson-Moon
  • A copy of Itty Bitty Betty & The Cookies: Activity And Coloring Book
  • A $25 Amazon gift card
  • A set of Limited Edition Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies bookmarks, a keychain, and stickers

Two (2) winners receive:

  • A paperback copy of Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies, autographed by Sandrian Nelson-Moon
  • A set of Limited Edition Itty Bitty Betty & the Cookies bookmarks, a keychain, and stickers

The giveaway begins April 12, 2021, at 12:01 A.M. MT and ends May 12, 2021, at 11:59 P.M. MT.


This post was prepared in partnership with The Children’s Book Review and Sandrian Nelson-Moon. All opinions are my own.

Disclaimer – I have not yet read this book so I cannot speak to its appropriateness for a K-12 Christian School library. I encourage librarians to read the book before making a purchasing decision.

I choose to share it because it does sound interesting. If you read it, let me know what you think.


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