Little Toot

Gramatky, Hardie. Little Toot. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1939.

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Those of you who have followed this blog,  have probably realized that I like to share oldies but goodies with my students. Today I shared Little Toot, written and illustrated by Hardie Gramatky, with my kinder kids. There were things in the book that I needed to explain – like what it means to sulk, but they seemed to enjoy the story.

Little Toot is the story of a young tug boat who likes to play and doesn’t like to work. His lack of work ethic gets him in to a little trouble. Once he decides that he needs to work, no one will take him seriously. In the end he saves the day when he rescues an ocean liner who washed up on the rocks in a fierce storm.

After reading the picture book to my students, I showed them a video which allowed us to compare the book to the video. I then shared instructions on how to draw a tug boat which became their activity for the day.

Little Toot is available from Amazon. Thank you for using my affiliate link which helps support this children’s literature blog.

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